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What is car engine remapping?
Remapping a car, also known as ‘chipping’, is a quick and fairly cost-effective process that involves adjusting the microchip in your car’s Electronic Control Unit (ECU), to overwrite the manufacturer’s factory settings. This allows your car to function at its full potential.
The ECU is essentially a computer in your car that controls the power of your engine. When a car is manufactured, the default settings on the ECU software are typically set to limit its performance capabilities. Manufacturers do this to lengthen the life of a car, by adapting the software to climates, terrains and fuel qualities of a specific country. It also means they can release a faster, more powerful version at a later date.
Remapping the software and fine-tuning the engine can increase a car’s power and torque output, and maximise its overall performance by as much as 50%.
It’s highly recommended that car remapping is carried out by a qualified specialist to avoid the risk of engine damage. The procedure only takes about 30--180 minutes and, if done properly, you should notice a significant improvement in your car’s performance almost immediately.
What are the benefits of car engine remapping?
The obvious benefit, and the main reason drivers get an engine remapped, is to boost a car’s speed and power. However, car engine remapping can also offer other positives.
Better fuel economy If you go easy on the accelerator, remapping could help to increase your car’s MPG and overall fuel economy. You’ll also be reducing your carbon footprint.
Better control and drivability With an enhanced throttle and engine response, your car will feel smoother and easier to drive.
Easier towing If you use your vehicle to tow a heavy trailer or caravan, remapping will give it extra power, so it won’t have to work so hard when climbing or accelerating.